Very Accurate Norsemen

Photographer: Molly R Adams
Haskell Indian Nations University


Digital photo altered to look like a tintype photo, adding another layer of inauthenticity to the presentation of the Very Accurate Norsemen. 

"Very Accurate Norsemen" is inspired by Edward Curtis' work documenting the "vanishing Indian". Curtis was known to stage and edit his photos to promote his own version of Native Americans and those images still influence us today. In this series, I, a Cherokee woman, entered an alternate timeline to document the "vanishing Norseman". These photos are of counterfeit Norsemen, doing whatever I think a Norseman should do to appear as Norse as possible while representing all Norse people and Norse history. When you think of a Norseman, I hope you'll be able to only think of these images I've created. They're as accurate as they need to be, regardless of the kangaroo skins the subjects are prominently displaying upon their chests.

Bio: Molly Adams (Cherokee Nation) is a senior at Haskell Indian Nations University, majoring in Indigenous and American Indian Studies.


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