By Ronald Kippi-Kingik
Student Project: ḷisaġvik College
Long ago in Qulluraq, there was a kid. The kid’s name is Nuktuk. Nuktuk was out hunting
caribou; he was about 8-10 miles from home. Nuktuk was with Aukpaq, they both loved to go
out hunting together. They were out all day trying to find a herd of caribou, no luck. But they had
found a patch of Akpiks that were huge, so they sat down after a long day of trying to find
caribou. Later that night they returned home empty handed, this was there first time going out to
see if there were any caribou out there, this was about the time of the year the caribou gets a nice
layer of fat for the winter. Nuktuk went back home, but Aukpaq went to go see his grandparents.
Aukpaq’s grandma taught Aukpaq to learn the ways of hunting the land and to respect it.
Meanwhile Nuktuks family traveled elsewhere. Nuktuk was disowned and disliked for the way
he looked. And for that Aukpaqs family took Nuktuk as their own. So the next day passes by and
they both go to another place that caribou usually hang out. They still has no luck of seeing
any. So they went to Isuqtuk river to fish, they caught enough to feed the family. After they went
back home but no one was there. So they both went to go down the Meade River, and their
grandparents were there fishing to make some pivsik. So Aukpaq went down to go and help
them. While Nuktuk went to go take a nap. Nuktuk is still learning the ways of hunting. Aukpaq
didn’t like the way Nuktuk didn’t help out. So Aukpaq asked his grandparents why nuktuk helped
out or processed any food, and they won’t say anything to Nuktuk, the grandparents didn’t want
talk about it. Aukpaq got confused why they did want to talk about it. Aukpaq just shrugged it
off, Nuktuk went to go off to hunt. Aukpaq hurried and packed his hunting bag and went to
follow Nuktuk. Aukpaq hurried to catch up to him and aukpaq yelled to him. HEY WHERE
AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Nuktuk said I’m going to go learn how to go catch and process
my food. Aukpaq said why didn’t you come help process the fish down the river? Nuktuk just
shrugged it off. Aukpaq wanted to know what and why he wouldn’t help. Nuktuk just kept on
going, and they actually saw a herd of caribou. They hushed each other and quietly approached
the herd and they caught a caribou and Aukpaq showed Nuktuk how to process the catch.
Aukpaq eventually forgot about taking care of the fish and they both went back home with the
caribou they were happy to get their first caribou, and they cooked some soup and stored the rest
in the siguluk for the winter. They are going to use the skin to make a parka and the fish skin to
make it waterproof. Later on that evening, they all got together to clean the house to get the job
done quicker. The next day it started to snow but the snow didn’t stay. So they started to gather
the last of the berries they needed to pick and store them or make something with the berries so
they wouldn’t go to waste. Aukpaq went out to go set up traps to get arctic hares so they can use that
to make new mukluks for the winter. After they set traps they went to go catch more caribou for
the winter.
Winter and spring passes by and its now summer and they all went and migrated to
another part that they go to cause they follow the caribou and migrate with them. They would
travel between qulluruq and amisimaaq. And they have family stories with traveling between
both homes. When they travel they like to tell those stories. One of them is when when it was
blizzardy my great aapa and atatta was out hunting and a storm come in and it was completely
white out. My aapa was trying to remeber landmarks around the area with what he can see, but a
little creature came up to them and they only spoke inupiaq and they had a full blown
conversation in inupiaq ande the creature pointed them the right way towards home. What we
usually here from the stories is that they would take us and would eat us and share your body to
the rest of the tribe and having my aapa run into the little creature we were blessed to see them
again and to tell them this story. Thats one of the stories that we would tell during family time.
What we would do during our spare time is we would like to keep fit and we would like to do
some traditional games; namely alaskan high kick, one foot high kick, two foot high kick, kneel
jump, and so much more. Those games would help us hunt and tell us if they caught anything.
Aukpaq and nuktuk would always play and keep themselves entertained. Every now and then
they would go visit neighboring people but it would be a couple day trip to get to them. They
would have a feast and share there traditions together and teach each other things that would
benefit each other that would help them out with the way of living. They went to go visit one of
there neighboring people and there name is kigginagaluk’s. the kiggi-na-galuks lifestyle was
doing as good and the kippi’s want to come help them, because we help with people in need of
help. Only because we help out no matter what situation is happening. So they traveled to the
kigginagaluks to check on them to see how they were doing cause the last time they visited them
they were struggling with keeping and the way they hunted. So the kippi’s came over to help
them out as the do every year to help prep for the winter. Because the kippi’s know how to help
out and keep up with there own lifestyles. The kigginagaluks noticed a long time ago from when
they first met eachother is that the kippi’s is keeping something for Aukpaq. After a couple days
of helping out the kigginagaluks they traveled back home, but when they were traveling back
home; Aukpaq went to catch a swan and swans mate for life, thats what we believed in and when
you only catch one swan with out catching the partner is bud luck. Aukpaq only thought it was a
loner swan and he caught it to have food for the night. but little do they know that the
kigginagaluks saw that Aukpaq only caught one swan, so they casted a spell that prevents them
from gathering food. As a couple weeks pass by they had no luck with catching animals, the
berries didn’t grow, and they couldn’t catch any fish from any of the rivers nor lakes. So they knew
something was up to no good. But the kippi’s turned to the little creatures for help, but it took
them a while to find them. So they were running low on their food supplies. They were using all
the food that was stored in their siguluk, but as soon as they found the little creatures; they felt a
presence that was burdening the family. The little creatures told them in order to lift the curse
that has been casted on them is to figure out what in the family is burdening them, so they
thought the swan was the cause. So they backtracked to where they caught the swan and the
partner swan was still where it was. So they caught the swan. But another couple days passed by
They still couldn't catch anything. So the grandparents came together and relized that
keeping the truth from Aukpaq was the problem. So they found a right time to tell Aukpaq the
truth. But couldn’t tell him. Only because they know that it would break Aukpaqs heart and the
wayne would ssee life. But they had to tell him in the nicest way possible. But there is no nicest
way possible. So eventually they told aukpaq that Nuktuk was his older that passed away when
he was baby. And that Nuktuk is actually real. Aukpaq looked over to his right to only see that
nuktuk faded away. Only to relize that he had only been imagining nuktuk. And Aukpaq had
trouble processing the bad news. But only than the curse had been lifted and the berries began to
grow and animals started to migrate, fish was flowing throught the rivers again. After a couple
months before winter came, Aukpaq Had gotten over the bad news and Aukpaq Still thinks about
his older brother Nuktuk and that Nuktuk is his guardian angel that protects him. And that
Nuktuk will be there for Aukpaq throught his life. LATER ON IN LIFE Aukpaq Eventually
leaves qulluraq to start another family.
The end